February 08, 2024
• Edited (Feb 14, 2024)

Hey hey, beautiful Community 🥰

We miss you all so much and hope you’re doing great!!!!

We’re excited to share with you here before anywhere else that the 7-day Retreat, “Extract the Nectar”, with Meghan Currie in Mallorca is officially ON, yay🐝

Save the dates JUL27-AUG3!

The Theme for this 7-day retreat, "Extract The Nectar'' comes from the idea that there's something nourishing to extract from every single moment of our lives. Even though, or especially when, what’s unfolding tastes bitter and hard to swallow, there's always a lesson, something that we can convert, over time, into nutrition, growth, transformation, and wisdom.

The experiences of our lives can be seen as nectarous events. The nectar is the potent, nutrient-dense lessons, the takeaways, and the deep insights that lead us to the next step on the ladder of our personal and collective growth

In this 7-day retreat, we'll focus on intentional, nourishing, and playful movement practices that will open up the channels of inner exploration. Taking time to go inward, to source the intelligence from within, connect with new and old friends, rest, play, reset, and explore together.

We can’t wait to meet you there: https://meghan.link/SUMMERNECTAR

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a line at hello@meghancurrieyoga.com

Sending you lots of love and wish you a wonderful day🧡