Just a general comment: I've been practising on Meghan's site every day for over three years now, which means that I've done a certain number of classes! often according to my needs or the mood of the day!... but now, thanks to these monthly suggestions, I understand even better the coherence, the intimate link that links each of these practices to each other, the progressions, the infinite variations that allow us to progress, evolve and change in a coherent way. Thank you for these suggestions, for sorting through the extraordinary number of classes. What a great piece of work, and you may be really proud of the quality of these videos and the richness and variety of the training. With love

Hellloo Novel Nesters!
I've created this new channel for us to share our insights and inspirations as we dive together into the monthly "book club" for a Vow to Bloom! yay!
This months book is "The Hearts Code" by Paul P. Pearsall, and I'm so excited as I believe it's going to be a profound one! I started diving in last night in bed and as my eyes absorbed the words, my heart began to flutter with lightness. These words really stood out to me, so I wanted to share the screen shot here!
Has anyone else had a chance to start the book this month? If so, any insights or thoughts?
Love you!!
March is Here! ✨🍀
Welcome to a new month inside A Vow to Bloom!
As we step into March - month 4, we embrace the theme of Spring Awakening & Renewal Potion, exploring five phases of transformation:
🌱 Emergence – Trusting the slow unfolding, awakening gently like petals unfurling.
🍃 Shedding & Becoming – Releasing what feels heavy to make space for new energy.
🜁 Alchemy of Transformation – Infusing renewal into daily rhythms, steeping in change like a well-brewed potion.
🌙 Natural Cycles & Rhythms – Attuning to the wisdom of the seasons and our own inner tides.
🚪 Thresholds & Transitions – Honoring endings, beginnings, and stepping into the new with intention.
Spring is a reminder that transformation happens naturally when we soften, listen, and allow.
This month’s practices, journal prompts, and rituals are designed to support you in attuning to these cycles of change.
📕 And this month's book recommendation - Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer - is one I am truly excited about!!!
The author examines modern botany and environmentalism through the lens of the traditions and cultures of the Indigenous peoples of North America. Through a series of personal reflections and exploring the themes of reciprocity, the spirit of community, a gift economy versus a property (market) economy, gratitude, the four aspects of being—mind, body, emotion, and spirit— and the learning of the language of animacy are brought to the forefront.
Your March calendar, workbook, and magical tools are now available in the studio. If you head over to A Vow to Bloom category at the top of the Catalogue - March is all ready for you!
Let’s embrace this season of renewal together! 💛
With gratitude and love,
Meghan and Team 🦄

Hello!! Hope everyone is good :)
I just wanted to say that this video isn't working, not sure if it's me or is anyone experiencing the same?
Thank u!
Meghaaaan hope you're all good ❤️ and enjoying the coming of spring!!! Finally I have a full on spring sunny day ahh has been so many island storms. So I hope I'm not asking too much but I just get so excited, you know your "Core Intelligence" series, you think you could bring something similar to the studio? To add up to the 5 day upside down program? Thank you ❤️❤️ and no pressures, just a desire!
Hey sweet humans 🌻 How is your blooming journey doing?
I am so much in love with the journal prompts! They are leading me through this transformation and making everything so cristal clear 🌸 I just answered a few of them again and there is one question that I find myself uneasy to answer, which is interesting. Its the following question:
"How can I embrace transformation with a sense of play and curiosity instead of pressure?" ❤️
It makes sense to me, that I struggle with it, because I can feel some pressure inside me, to make everything right and I am sometimes a bit too serious about my transformative process (which is creating a whole new working life as a Shiatsu practitioner and leaving my former jobs behind).
I would be soooo interested on how some of you have answered this question, if anyone would like to share? I feel like I need some inspiration on how I could step into more ease and play around that topic. Also, if anyone else is struggling with it: maybe we can support and inspire each other 💗💗
Happy to hear from you! Lots of love and ease, Anna ☺️
Hi Meghan and Community 🩷
I just started a new job and am craving a type of 30-40 min morning flow I can do before work! I really love the 30 min after work yoga flow posted on YouTube, something simple, sweet, and gentle to stretch, inspire, and set intentions for a positive day! 😊
sending lots and lots of love,
Hello Meghan & this beautiful community! Hope you're moving smoothly through this month of so much change and growth!
So, I have a content desire, lately I've been loving practicing https://studio.meghancurrieyoga.com/programs/firefly-flow and https://studio.meghancurrieyoga.com/programs/majestic-bird-of-paradise I love that there's a more traditinal tone, more Ashtanga inspired sequencing and abs love the timing, sequence and queuing! and also staying longer in poses. So, I'd love and crave a longer similar practice to these with "challenging" or "advanced" asanas for 90 mins! I love longer practices and love learning more "advanced" postures with you Meghan!! Like a long progressive deep dive :) Big big hug, a big thank you & love xx
Move to Bloom Challenge – You Did It! 💫
Wow, what an incredible 14 days it has been! Watching this community move, flow, and grow together has truly filled our hearts. You showed up—not just on your mat, but for yourself. You explored new edges, met yourself in movement, and proved that consistency, curiosity, and commitment create real transformation.
Whether you completed every single day or joined in whenever life allowed—it matters. Every breath, every step, every moment of presence counts. Because this journey was never about perfection. It was about honoring your rhythm, listening to your heart, and blooming in your own time.
🌸What was your biggest takeaway from these two weeks?
Share your experience in the comments — What touched you most during these two weeks? What did you discover, feel, or shift within yourself?
Stay tuned as we will announce the 3 lucky winners of the 5-day Wheel Variations program early next week!
We are so excited for you to continue your journey with this playful and heart-opening exploration! Thank you—truly—for being part of this journey. Your presence made it what it was. Here’s to moving, blooming, and continuing to meet yourself with love, on and beyond the mat.
With sooo much love and appreciation
💜 Meghan and team 🦄
✨Studio Update: New Video Coming Tuesday!✨
Lovely Community,
Just a quick heads-up: This week’s new video will be uploaded on Tuesday instead of Monday.
Thank you for your patience, and we can’t wait to share this new offering with you!❤️
With love,
Meghan and Team🦄