February 19

Hi Meghan and beautiful Team,

I've just done the "Trusting the unfolding" practice which was beautiful but very challenging as well. I have noticed lately Meghan you are offering transitions with variations of updogs / planks / downdogs / lunges on the front of the feet rather than toes tucked. I find them very difficult, I feel how much they require strong core and legs, I feel my quads firing up, but most of the time cannot hold it and need to tuck my toes. I have been practicing ashtanga for over 10 years and the rolling on the toes from updog to downdog remains a mystery to me. I find myself incredibly heavy and my groins / hip flexors cry out when I try to roll on my toes both feet (only one foot at a time works).

So here's a little special request : could we have a skill class for rolling over the toes and building up the strength for these beautiful transitions where we're in updog, plank, downdog with toes pointed and pressingย on the front of the feet ?

Thank you :))