helen eastwood


Feb 19 at 11:37 AM

Hi Meghan and beautiful Team,

I've just done the "Trusting the unfolding" practice which was beautiful but very challenging as well. I have noticed lately Meghan you are offering transitions with variations of updogs / planks / downdogs / lunges on the front of the feet rather than toes tucked. I find them very difficult, I feel how much they require strong core and legs, I feel my quads firing up, but most of the time cannot hold it and need to tuck my toes. I have been practicing ashtanga for over 10 years and the rolling on the toes from updog to downdog remains a mystery to me. I find myself incredibly heavy and my groins / hip flexors cry out when I try to roll on my toes both feet (only one foot at a time works).

So here's a little special request : could we have a skill class for rolling over the toes and building up the strength for these beautiful transitions where we're in updog, plank, downdog with toes pointed and pressing on the front of the feet ?

Thank you :))


Commented on Trusting The Unfolding

Feb 19 at 03:36 AM

(following my previous message) So here's a little special request : could we have a skill class for rolling over the toes and building up the strength for these beautiful transitions where we're in updog, plank, or kinda downdog but on the front of the feet ?

Thank you :)))

Commented on Trusting The Unfolding

Feb 19 at 03:34 AM

For these latest practices, we definitely need a queen sized mat :))) the floor is pretty hard where I practice home, so I had to set 2 mats side by side in order to be able to follow without being made uncomfortable from the ground's hardness.

Also, I find these transitions on the front of our feet really interesting but super difficult. I ust don't know where to ignite the strength to lift gracefully from front footed updog to plank, let alone then move one foot forward, I halways have to tuck my toes at some point. It's weird because I do feel the front of my legs are on fire and my quads are super engaged, but I can't seem to be able to call up on any other power and support. By the way, I have practice ashtanga for over 10 years and I still have not unlocked the mystery of the rolling over the toes from updog to downdog. I guess this is the same kind of work....

Commented on Straight Up Warm Up

Feb 10 at 03:25 AM

this is just the best... it's got everything in it. I come back to it every time I need a quick boost on a busy morning, and every time I discover new subtleties. In the progressive flow, in the mindful pauses, in the super precise instructions... Thx !!!

Commented on Vow To Bloom Intro

Dec 01 at 11:48 PM

So excited, such a right timing ! I have enjoyed so much the previous programs, metamorphosis, slow motion potion, move from love, such long lasting inspiration and support... Thx, looking forward to diving in with you all 🩷

Commented on Turning Inward

Feb 05 at 03:09 AM

magical reset.... Woke up with unusually strong period pain in my belly, wasn't expecting to be able to do much, gave this practice a go... and that final frog pose, the focus it demanded, the close loving attention, the very fine tuning of where it is ok for me to go, keeping the breath calm, diving into the warm sensations in my pelvic floor and inner thighs... well by the end of it all, lying on my stomach after that frog, i realized with amazed contentment, that i had forgotton about my belly ache, and that it actually had disappered, diffused, let go !!! Super subtle and powerful class, thank you.

Commented on Breath Dance

Apr 20 at 03:18 AM

I just love the method... thank you