Molly Sweigart


Nov 12 at 09:50 AM

Hello! 😃  

I discovered you several years ago on Alo Moves. You became my favorite teacher on Alo. My favorite series' on there were Honey and Practice. There was a flow to vishvamitrasana on Honey that was AMAZING and I loved the strength-building (with blocks under hands) of the Practice series. Doing chaturanga and updog with blocks under hands is NO JOKE😆 I also loved the class called Fresh Squeezed. I am a fan of the slightly-faster paced (slow/fast?) strength-building flows and would love to see more of them. I've done a few on here that are certainly comparable, but I'm still finding my favorites. I also love to add on one of your core-focused classes at the end or beginning of a flow, so please keep those coming. I appreciate you and all that you do. 
