Anastasja Giacomuzzi

Replied on Reset & Recharge

Jan 05 at 08:43 AM

Meghan Currie Thank you meghan 🥰

Commented on Total Hip Eclipse

Dec 11 at 04:49 AM

Wonderful combination of effort and surrender, I really felt stable and light at the same time. thank you Meghan, and thank you Lala for your cuteness <3 

Commented on Reset & Recharge

Dec 09 at 04:58 AM

just the right amount of everything; toning, stretching, stabilizing.. had to adapt some bits to my recovering shoulder injury, but it was perfect nonetheless 🪄

Commented on Sweet Heart

Dec 04 at 04:24 AM

beautiful practice, especially for someone with tight shoulders like me. Really went deep into the breath and could feel it throughout my body <3 thank you


Oct 18 at 10:55 AM

Hi there, 

I was looking for a practice that is on meghan's youtube channel, but couldn't find it in the online studio. is it possible that it's not here? It's this one: (30-Minute Yoga Practice: Gentle Lovin Flow)

I really like this practice, and on youtube it's being chopped up with ads :/