Meghan, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You and this practice allowed me to connect back into my true self, where I want to be and how I want to feel every day. The inner growth and connection through movement of the body and just flowing with our breath. I love it and I am so grateful to be able to be here and practice and learn from you❤️
Pierina Nunez
Orlando, FL, United States
Born in Ecuador 💚🌿🍃
Commented on Cycle Of Growth
Commented on Vow To Bloom Intro
Commented on Vow To Bloom - Intro for Month 2: Self-Love Spark & New Beginnings Brew
Jan 19 at 09:55 PM
Love you so much Meghan, I am a virgo and this already taught me so much😍 Thank you!!!🥰🩷🩷