Olga Pachina

Bali, Indonesia

I'm always here for you! Don't hesitate to reach out to me at hello@meghancurriyoga.com

May 27 at 09:53 PM

Dear Jeniffer, thank you so much for your suggestion! Well noted, we'll try our best to create a class for you in the future;) Stay tuned😘

May 27 at 09:51 PM

Dear Alicia, thank you so much for your beautiful words, your love and support, it means so much to Meghan!🧡

May 27 at 09:50 PM

Thank you so much for understanding and support, dear Jacinta!🧡

Replied on Flow Your Heart Out

May 27 at 01:35 AM

Dear Sharon, thank you for sharing! Heart opening flows could be very challenging sometimes as we keep lots of tension in the whole area which might affect other parts of our body! I'm glad some stretches helped you to release some tension and I hope you'll find more spaciousness and openness in your future practice;) Sending you lots of love😘

May 27 at 01:32 AM

Dear Jacinta, awe, thank you so much for sharing such deep emotions! I hope you'll find a way to generate lots of warmth and love from all the aftermath and so will your brother;) Sending you lots of love and thank you so much for your support, it's been a lot indeed! Love you🧡

Replied on Hip Hip Hooray

May 27 at 01:29 AM

Dear Ania, thank you for sharing your experience;)) Heh, Savasana is best after a spicy practice isn't it eheh;)) Glad you enjoyed it;) Sending you lots of love😘


May 27 at 01:28 AM

You're most welcome, dear Gilnar, glad you enjoyed this class and found it so uplifting;)) Wish a wondeful week ahead🧡

May 27 at 01:26 AM

Awe, this is incredible, thank you so much for sharing, dear Ania;)) I'm so happy you're enjoying Meghan's yin classes and find them very opening and nourishing;)) Sending you lots of tropical hugs, take care🥰


Replied on Fly the Pigeon

May 27 at 01:25 AM

Yay, dear Ania, so glad you enjoyed this class and found it inspiring;) I hope your pigeon can fly very smoothly and gracefully;) Lots of love to you😍


Replied on Staycation

May 27 at 01:23 AM

Dear Ania, I'm glad you keep enjoying this meditation series;) I totally agree with you, this feels so good to unpack all the unnecessary feelings and thoughts and let them go, kinda leaves you feeling light and free, yay! Lots of love to you😘
