Dear Sophia, thank you for your feedback, I'm happy you keep enjoying this class despite some sound challenges. Yes, we're aware of some sound imperfections, this class was shot during the rainy season when the cicadas were at their loudest heh;) I'll forward your feedback to Meghan and Team for consideration;) Lots of love😍
Replied on Work to Forearm Balance
Replied on Peak To Peak
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Replied on EU Space To Feel
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Replied on EU Space To Feel Lecture
Replied on Hello wonderful Community!😍How are yo...
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Feb 22 at 11:47 PM
Awe, dear Taylor, so happy to hear about your progress and solid and effortless inversions, yay!!;))) I forwarded your question to Megahn and hope she'll be able to answer it soon, so stay tuned😍We have a playlist where we collected all the classes with handstand and forearm balance, hope you'll find it useful:
Take care🧡