Maria Eugenia Mugica

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Commented on Earth Connection

Jan 16 at 05:37 AM

Dear Meghan, thank you for this wonderful practice! It's was a magical way to remember the importance of Earth Connection, especially hours before returning to work after a month of vacation and profound merging into nature.

Some pearls of wisdom you've shared with us that I'd like to remember daily:

"the arcs of our feet are doorways" (while you were saying that, I imagined them as beautiful rainbows!);

"depth is not about the external shape, it's about where we are going inside";

"in every shape there's usually something we are avoiding, some part of it a little bit uncomfortable that we don't want to feel: look for that and lean into that part".

the strong shaking of hands and feet with dead bug pose before shavasana was absolutely liberating!

Thank you for guiding me through a daily path to a deeper knowledge of myself! Lots of love 💜🙏🥰🪷🌈🍀🌟🦋

Commented on Lunar Flow

Jan 10 at 05:56 AM

This flow was sublime to honor my feminine qualities! My intention was to expand my creativity in all sorts of directions. At the end, the free undulating movements of my arms felt like authentic wings to crystallize that intention throughout the next months 🌈🙏🍀🦋 Thank you, Meghan, for this lovable practice! 🥰🪷💜

Replied on Cocoon Of Calm

Jan 04 at 12:26 PM

Hi, Jacinta! I'm really marveled at the beautiful energy that arises in this loving community. Just this morning, before reading this comment, I read yours on Embracing the unknown where you share with us the connection with the theme of that class and the sculpting process. That invited me to visit your Instagram: your works are full of beauty 😍 I wish you the best in your new job experience! Lots of love from Argentina 💜🌈🍀

Commented on Embracing The Unknown

Jan 04 at 11:59 AM

Something really funny happened to me with this extraordinary practice! Such a new me was on the mat this morning, that not until the side twists did I realize it was the second time I was doing it in the last weeks. I laughed at the idea of how different can we be each day; even during one day. And I was marveled at the profound meaning of your words in the description: "...connect to yourself, just the way you are today, in this moment". Thanks for this amazing experience 💜🪷🙏🥰


Commented on Drop Everything

Dec 30 at 06:25 AM

Dear Meghan, thank you for this mind-blowing restorative practice! The idea of emptying my body in order to become more full was the perfect guide to start dropping decades of unnecessary tension, especially fears, and realize how powerful I am to do it every time I need it for creating whatever I want to create freely. "What is it that you want to create?": I'll keep the remembrance of that beautiful question as a mantra 🙏💜

Best wishes and lots of love for the upcoming year! 🌟🥰🍀🌈

Commented on Sweet Heart

Dec 26 at 06:04 AM

So beautiful and profound practice! I loved the image of my body like a lake with all my bones floating on it, and really enjoyed breathing through all the corners of my chest while doing the supine twist with one arm under the bridge of the other. 

'When we allow things to express, there's a natural expansion'. Your words resonated all through my body. I'll treasure them as a magical reminder of wellness 🥰

Merry Christmas and the best wishes for the year to come! 🌟

Dec 21 at 06:53 AM

Thank you, Meghan, for sharing with us your loving vulnerability and this beautiful metaphor of nature and personal growth 🙏💜 The shine in your eyes and your facial language moved me to tears 🥰🌈 

It's been almost ten years since I became a mother of a daughter; and almost five, of a son. 2024 was for me a year of diving in my deepest profoundness. The cicada cry connected me with my yells in moments of despair, the wild way I sometimes found to express myself throughout these years. In 2024, I could recall with the unconscious reason of those yells, and was able to start using other ways of expression to set boundaries in order to respect my needs. I finally realized that, as an adult, I have the power of making my way to the surface and start singing to the sun like the amazing cicada.

The beautiful Argentinian song "Like the cicada" (w/English subtitles) is about the wisdom of this being. I hope you enjoy it: 

Lots of love 🥰🙏🪷

Commented on Cocoon Of Calm

Dec 20 at 07:05 AM

Dear Meghan, thank you for this wonderful stillness practice! It was magical listening to the rain in Ubud, and imagining its drops melting into the Earth after nurturing every leaf of that amazing scenery. It made me feel the coziness of this marvelous space you've created for us, and the nearness between each other despite the distance in locations 🌟🌍

This morning I returned to my mat after almost a week without unrolling it due to some job deadlines. It was the perfect way to start my vacations and reconnect to my inner self. Thank you SO much! I love Vow to bloom! 🥰💜🪷

Commented on Cycle Of Growth

Dec 14 at 03:30 AM

Dear Meghan, this was a marvelous educational flow! A nourishing expression of yoga as the union of body, mind and soul. The idea of cycles, so connected to the rhythm of nature, connected me with the trust-the-process mood, always calming, and associated with two of my current readings: Thoughts are things, by Prentice Mulford —thanks to the suggestion you made in the Metamorphosis program 💜—, and Women who run with the wolves, by Clarisa Pinkola Estes —which is helping me to understand my wild being and develop a peaceful relationship with it. The cultivation of deliberation in every sequence was the perfect way to put your medicinal words —as Sarah Hessey described them— in action. Thank you for this magical beginning! 🥰🌈🌟

Commented on Vow To Bloom Intro

Dec 01 at 07:54 AM

I love the invitation to make a vow to ourselves! I imagined December as a doorway to our new year with a red carpet crossing, like a river of wisdom enabling the continuity and permanent transformation of our lives 🌈

It's definitely the intention we put in the action, much more than the duration, which makes it bloom 🌺. For me, 2024 was the training season in that subject. It teaches me that even 5 minutes a day can help us to reconnect with a postponed activity; in my case, writing. At the beginning of the year, it was really helpful listening to one of the Q&A videos of the Metamorphosis program, where you tell us about your listing habit, which I already had but just connected with my physical activity. It was absolutely inspiring to start applying it for my writing as well. I'm so grateful to see how listing my everyday writing, and being flexible with it, allowed me to bring back one of my keys for introspection.

Thank you for the opportunity of blooming all together 🙏💜