Bones Doyle

Dec 11 at 10:00 AM

Ahh wow no way! Where abouts in Cornwall? Sending well Wishes to you too on this journey ❤️🙏


Jul 04 at 04:18 AM

Hello! Thank you so much for this meditation! I've come back to it so many times that I've lost count. It has been such an anchor for me in challanging times and also restful ones, and I've used it in combination with plant medicines which has been truly magical. Thank you for this creation that you share with us, for all of them. Would love more longer meditations like this if you feel inspired to share more. Thank you with love.

Replied on Saucy Flow

Jan 09 at 04:39 AM

Meghan Currie Yay!! Thank you! ❤️ 

Replied on Saucy Flow

Jan 04 at 10:30 AM

Olga Pachina Thank you! This was really helpful and totally understand keeping the balance between longer and shorter practices! Your idea of combining classes is a great reminder, thank you! 

The length I was thinking about was anything 1 hour 40 or more but I'm happy combining practices :)

Lots of love and happy new year <3


Commented on Saucy Flow

Jan 03 at 05:29 AM

Hello! Thank you so much for this flow! Please may I make a request for a practice? I love these shorter practices but I would love a really juicy long practice. Something super playful, slinky and getting the whole body alive not necessarily working toward a challenging pose just something to really get absorbed into and move and play. I hope that makes sense! Thank you so much for your classes! I get so excited each week when you release a new one! <3

Commented on Sweet Gentle Flow

Sep 18 at 12:14 PM

Awww wow! I just finished this practice and it allowed me to tap into something I've been processing for a while now... a big one... This reminder of being gentle with myself throughout this practice caught me in a really beautiful way and just summed up what I'm learning and integrating within the process of processing. I had a really sweet release after the camel but it came so gently and lovingly. Thank you Meghan, for helping me remember <3