Olivia Gibson

Dornhan, Germany

Nov 14 at 09:33 AM

omg hey.  well…  it would be cool to have the arm balancing into chin stand transitions together in a long form class  (i love your long classes 🤓). but yesterday I was wanting to do some picking-myself-up drills and was a bit lost so perhaps a shorter drills focused class on picking-uppings too?? like a ‘to do all this cool stuff with ease and grace, then practice this stuff’ double bill.   for hip flexors a separate class… like a 1 chilli / droplet level kinda thing

(now I’m dreaming about a journey into chinstand series… with the peak entry that one you showed in class here from lying flat on the belly. freakin cool)

thank you Meghan. words don’t do justice to the gratitude!!!!!<3