Violette Baillargeon


Nov 29 at 04:21 PM

Hi Meghan, I am super excited about the new program 'A Vow to Bloom.' I am an experienced yoga teacher in Vancouver who is new to your practice and I have been touched by your classes. I have a subscription to your online-studio and recently did Metamorphosis. I found the program so challenging (in so many ways) yet beautifully transformative. Thank you for that.

My questions are the following:

1. Do I have to purchase the new program 'A Vow to Bloom' in addition to the yearly subscription or is is available for free to subscribers?

2. When you put out the calendar, do you mean for us to do all two or three of the practices listed on that day or to choose? Of course I understand that we can choose what works for us (and our schedules) but is the intention for us to do the complete list?

3. Where is the 'Resources' tab four the journals et so on? I know they will start on Dec. 1st but I do not see the tab at the top of the page.

Thank you and I cannot wait for this journey to begin.