Ulrike Freiheit

Nov 16 at 05:41 AM

Thank you for this detailed class. Pincha M is a pose I love to be able to do one day. Its a tricky one as there is a bit of fear and tightness in shoulders. definitely something to work up to.

Commented on Visvamitrasana Vinyasa

Nov 09 at 05:57 AM

loved it, loved it, loved it ❤️❤️❤️ this practice got me deep into my feeling space. I found enough steadiness to get into Vishvamitrasana but had my bottom leg very generously bend and a bit of a bend in the other. I did it. there is much room to grow there but it felt great. Thank you so much for the great cues. sticking the bum out when getting into it helped me heaps with stability.🥰🙏🏻

Commented on Tangled Flow

Nov 03 at 07:03 AM

This is such a quirky class, loved this practice. Sitting back on ankles/ heel was pretty awkward and the hardest part of this practice. After a few repetitions I noticed some improvements. will definitely do this again soon. thank you

Commented on Firefly Flow

Oct 25 at 07:19 PM

Loved this flow. It is now one of my favourite ones. 🙏🏻

Commented on Seated Flow

Oct 21 at 07:18 AM

perfect evening class when not on so much energy, feeling yum 🙏🏻