Mary Usowicz

York, United Kingdom

Dec 01 at 02:30 PM

hopping around like a flamingo on the hot sand this was very good fun exploring, look forward to seeing what my bird does next time πŸ¦©πŸ’›

Commented on Visvamitrasana Vinyasa

Nov 25 at 03:45 PM

well well what a wonder... I really needed this on so many levels. long day grinding me down of a few of the same whirling me away from where I really want to be and making a sulky Mary soul weigh me down. the spider clung to my shoulder blades, the emotion pulled at my pyraformis and my sacrum felt the weight of the week already. I kept saving this one for a special time. however tonight came home and was like Meghan take me take all of me a spice up my life with your chillis rinse me of the crosspatch and untangle so a can fell the sparkle. and that's just what she did. the transitions you know and love building the grace she has taught the alignment with another juicy nugget to create yet another expansion you didn't know was hiding there, the reminder to rotate the inner thigh in Hanumanasana lifted my sacrum an pelvis dispelling the weighted feeling the wild things allowed my spider to jump off my shoulder blades and crawl onto a plant in a shadowy space, and my hips opened with wonder blasting a stood on one leg edge of foot pushed into my hand taking me with confidence to explore visvamitrasana like ooh hello I'm growing into there! and that yummy wheel was so different reluctant lefty shoulder was like hey look at me more expansion and strength there than I ever knew before. ok so love you thanks you for a magical sweet wonder-fabulous experience. and playlist yay love love love xxx love all your chillis

Commented on Yoga Habit Sculptor

Nov 24 at 09:03 AM

warrior woman lunch break

Commented on Grounded in Simplicity

Nov 22 at 12:08 PM

lovely nourishing slow down cup of yum 🧑

Commented on Yoga Habit Sculptor

Nov 13 at 02:48 PM

cobra lifts feel different again🐍

Commented on Shapes to Breathe Into

Nov 12 at 02:19 AM

just the cup of love my mind body spirit woke up wanting. beautiful thank you

Commented on Yoga Habit Sculptor

Nov 10 at 11:21 AM

back on it and it feels dreamy x

Commented on Firefly Flow

Nov 04 at 12:56 PM

did this the other day and what a surprising little sparkle of fire πŸͺ°πŸ”₯this flow is previously my body has almost initiated it may like to try this pose but my mind would almost shush it with 'I don't think we have strong enough arms for that'. however this delicious gentle hand of encouragement on you shoulder warm wise words to take you there as found myself balancing legs over shoulders like a little slightly bent knee-ed firefly. I sit back and say wow never done that and go again. YAY

Commented on Melt

Nov 04 at 12:46 PM

At my parents this weekend. I made my dad a pillow fort, and plugged him in to MELT, he gets anxiety, high bp and palpitations regularly guess what he didn't have them afterwards πŸ’«πŸ§‘

Nov 04 at 12:41 PM

do you read my mind/body from oh so far away. had some 'burn out when you take holiday its always gonna happen cold flu' last few days. today fever passed felt conscious of how heavy my body felt and a need to move in an encouraging flush to the systems. perfect shake rattle roll. thank you for reading 🌬πŸͺ„