Dominique Gonseth

Commented on Love In Motion

Jan 14 at 02:50 AM

Thank you so much Meghan for this practice of love, I already love it and have received it very deeply. I'm looking forward to doing it again and again, because it's complex, demanding, innovative, imaginative... as always, and you have to concentrate. It's got everything I love: flexibility, openness, imagination, sequences that are so surprising! Whouaaaa still more like that!

Commented on Cycle Of Growth

Dec 02 at 12:05 PM

So good, so nourishing!! Perfect for this rainy day! thank you so much!


Nov 28 at 03:35 AM

Dear Meghan, I was very interested to see the new programme that will be offered on the online site next year (A Vow to Bloom)! I have a small question: if you're already a registered member (I've been one for 3 years) do you have to re-subscribe to take advantage of the programme? Or do you have to pay extra?

I think my membership runs until May!

Thank you

Commented on Stillness in Motion

Nov 26 at 03:11 AM

This class was exactly what I wanted this night! I felt my breath, not only my body but also my soul!! Thank you again and again.

Commented on Unwind Your Mind

Nov 26 at 03:09 AM

Once again I did this class, so great effect! Wonderful!

Commented on Side Plank Bow

Nov 26 at 03:06 AM

I'm very happy to be able to make this tutorial for this pose, which is still inaccessible to me! I'm still having trouble catching my foot, partly I think because my shoulders aren't flexible enough? Like everything else, do it again and again.... Thank you for listening and being so receptive to our requests!


Commented on Upside Down

Nov 09 at 04:30 AM

Thanks again Meghan, this set of classes is really super efficient! I still can't make a handstand !!!!! but I'm getting close. They are all really effective and learn something new. I particularly enjoyed ‘head south’.

Commented on Fluid Heart Flow

Oct 29 at 03:51 AM

Dear Meghan, I agree with Alex. Really lovely class, this whole extract the nectar series is extraordinary. This one brings in its fluidity but still physically demanding all those movements of rotation that are so deep, so anchored in our materiality, our physiology, are beneficial, harmonious, harmonising. Once again, I've had a profound experience of the benefits of practising with you. .... I hope it lasts for a long time to come!

Oct 01 at 02:51 AM

Thank you so much Meghan! This practice is really super nice: everything I love about Skandasana and revolving and strech! All with depth, lightness and beauty, the “Meghan Currie way”. Every week it's a pleasure to discover such drops of beauty that can be done again and again without tiring.

Commented on Sea Of Sensations

Aug 27 at 06:53 AM

Thank you once again for this great training!JI I don't know how it's possible but every time Meghan exceeds my expectations, my needs! It was exactly what I needed this morning, I enjoyed it like a nectar, one drop after another! Thank you for sharing this subtlety, this richness and this depth, physical and spiritual! What a blessing to have this at home every week! I'm so grateful...