Mary Usowicz

York, United Kingdom

Oop I wanted to select them all 🥰

Dec 06 at 06:07 PM

Still finding all the hidden gems 🥰

Dec 06 at 02:53 PM

xxxx I ran out of space but many kisses 😘💯

Dec 06 at 02:52 PM

so day six.

already its like a precious magic.

like you can feel the power of everyone that's here feeling the same feels and flowing the flows afar though together the magic is real. 

I am totally raving out time and feeling strength I was struggling to muster up before around mayday week teach, maybe it felt a solitary crusade with uphill dragging of feet an wondering when I would fall down but 6 days and  I really really don't.

my muscles remembering and learning finding and feeling.

this mornings meditation INNer Yum I was like wow revelations of wisdom pearls I always think these come from you people past whispering you precious wow, cos I'm always like wow I thought that nahhh!

oh blooming warriors far and wide sending you love squeezes and we got this.

Meghan n I am making you tea raising my cup winking with smiling old eyes of big love and wonder and each day looking forward to the next my cold mat under a wintery window pane just got more inviting so many thank yous for initiating it

Commented on Viloma Breath

Dec 05 at 01:37 PM

I do very much love your breath teaching.

My inhale was more nervous than my exhale but both very much enjoyed themselves 🧡


Commented on Sweet Heart

Dec 04 at 02:30 AM

backwards in forwards lovely whenever a lovely sweet awakening to my heart x

Commented on Vow To Bloom Intro

Dec 01 at 09:31 AM

So grateful for this and so perfectly timed…personal practice around teach wahhhh where are you, can’t wait to deep dive together ♥️

Book ordered . Melted this morning 

Commented on Melt

Dec 01 at 03:29 AM

A sweet melting morning to you all ✨🧡


Commented on Cradled In Kindness

Nov 14 at 11:39 AM

oh girl thanks.🧡

ie been carrying some confusion in my hips and lower back for the last few weeks. feeling all disconnected and sad for the feeling frustrated for the inconvenience and a little lost in my practice focusing on teach and unable to listen to what my body needs.

and then you walk in to the world with this possibility of kindness leaning in and through all the feels 'intense" but a necessary acknowledgment and moving through.

thank you for your kindness and making the space for me to listen witness and realise. I will keep feeding my shadow swaddled lower half with kindness and space to let it move more and then find my playful self again.

thank you for this beautiful lesson.

big love to all wonder women

Oct 02 at 10:57 AM

beautiful creation thank you for teaching me to revolve my skandasana all the feelings of yum 🧡