Mary Usowicz

York, United Kingdom


Dec 29 at 02:53 PM

energising flow ... loved the dynamic fluidity and the eagle/tree/moon dance xx


Dec 19 at 03:55 PM

doorways of possibility..

so just another woo here, so before teach after teach when I worry I don’t have the go to go alongside practice teach and teach and film something for that darn gram blah blah brain! Then I grab the meditation sit with it write something and wow cha-cha pow wow I am super charged super chill super present.

So even when I think there’s no time there’s time and it makes me just feel wow so hey love love more love heart goes boom ♥️ 

Commented on Embracing The Unknown

Dec 17 at 04:15 PM

ooo you little mischief maker, that was some old school style sneaky delivery slow build space making wonderful. longest spine snaking from all that extension, I'm lost I had shares all the way but the heat the heart the hot hot wheels of wonder.

I do not deny day 16 actually 17 but I wanted to indulge in this new parcel that arrived so I did this instead of sea, maybe I won't go to bed and I will stay up for more sensations. sorry I do not deny the strength I'm feeling from tw weeks of program so far, so far I feel it shoulder girdle core muscles wrapping me up like one of the extreme wrapped  parcels from my dad (for all the flummoxing anticipation, with all the sellotape and brown paper and string) yes I feel a new wrapper also release fascia revised. 

ok sorry I'm waffling loved it very coo🙌l thanks pet a good time 🧡


Dec 17 at 09:09 AM

Gemini Moon, retrograde farewells all very real feels just the tonic to balance 🥰

Dec 17 at 09:08 AM

Oh and the class I taught afterward was super focus sweet energy space shared no mean girls on my block,  I jammed a little and surprised myself need to remember to write it down afterwards. Lovely energy so thank you for preparing me when I needed a hug to get out there 🙌🧡

Replied on Loving You

Dec 17 at 09:02 AM

Been practising receiving and not deflecting it, taking a breath listening, holding space for their kindness before I try turn it about them. I think where I get so much myself from giving love that is perhaps what they need too. Had a huge convo with my bud about this she too rubbish at holding that space , so we are changing vibrations dynamics of habit with your inspiring sweet words. Learning x



Dec 17 at 02:35 AM

good morning yesterday I made it for the meditation but catch up today stated my morning with beautiful side body bliss focused breath yum velvety lungs, tonight I get a sea of sensations for supper :) big love all you blooming honey loves 🧡

Dec 17 at 02:31 AM

lovely wake up and connect with breath

Dec 13 at 09:54 AM

Sounds like petals unfurling with …”a whole lotta potential kid”…🌸🧡✨



Dec 12 at 01:48 PM

A ha!

Day 12

Total Hip Eclipse.

Today my mind was being mean to me I tried to ignore. Had to cancel a class this morning not enough numbers didn’t make the quota of 5 required by studio, my mind got meaner judgy and imagining the worst.

I chose to do my day before I came to teach this evening hoping it would chase away the mean girl that was on my shoulder. 

Slowly slowly I explored all the lessons along the way. I felt strong I felt hungry for the space the moves the connection, I devoured my breath nurturing every nook and cranny, 

I stepped out to teach,

got my period !

A ha mean girl that’s who you be!

Thanks for the medicine ♥️

I hose