Mary Usowicz

York, United Kingdom

Commented on Total Hip Eclipse

Dec 12 at 01:21 PM

My hips and heart say thank you a loving practice alows chased the wiggles of my mind away thank you x

Commented on Power Hour

Dec 11 at 02:59 PM

oh girl wonderful moves fluid strong all the feels the wheel of wonder and joy 3ldog,revsp and revs crunch transition superlove, biting blocks on beaches always. and thank you super cue super boss super doopa star trip trooper  ❤️

Commented on Let Yourself Be

Dec 10 at 05:02 PM

So lovely floating 🧡

Dec 09 at 03:12 AM

sorry not finished…

The flows I am trusting the process and selection. I have been here a while and loved being lost in the studio rabbit hole  from off enjoying selecting building favourites finding new. Recently with teach it has been reaching out for whatever doing but not connecting with self so feeling the go to daily is allowing the roots to transmit almost like they go no this is me time let’s get lost again.

I know your selection is always very considered and I want to feel it and explore it so I’m going with the line up. Good mix tape so far, wanting to feel it all I have to stop myself sometimes wi the you don’t need to do the whole days line up but I am trying too.

Cards I will print them as a little Christmas gift to self thank you Santa Meghan & team.

Big love thank you for the sweet check in ✨🧡


Dec 09 at 03:05 AM

I deep dived into journal last night.

The questions took me for a lovely journey of my mind experience so good to look back at the year in that way to chew on all the feels of life.

My journalling has become sporadic life dumps with no order or theory and I miss writing or getting to the state of writing which is grows from the reflection. So another part of this wonderful opportunity I am curious to feel the exploration of.

I ordered my book and that should arrive soon. It was hard to find but a copy found me. I have to admit my reading is slow usually tiny eyes or another carving out the time too. But again this is the space to do that and find it and I’m truly grateful for that. I miss study 🫣 so this is very exciting like a a Meghan metamorphosis/YTT of my dreams 🙌

Commented on Reset & Recharge

Dec 08 at 02:46 PM

I was tired but I wanted to get lost this was just the right way to do that x


Commented on Loving You

Dec 08 at 02:45 PM

ooof, shiiiiiit wow my old heart did not know that about myself! I very much need to do that again, I got lost somewhere in the revelation. I am bad at receiving so bad. I don't trust it I think its dangerous. but if I were to think my love was dangerous how sad. oh golly ok revelation logged breathe and receive. 


Dec 07 at 12:15 PM

you desire I desire what you do works and its wonderful big love

Oop I wanted to select them all 🥰

Dec 06 at 06:07 PM

Still finding all the hidden gems 🥰