Thanks, Meghan. Practicing with you always feels like I'm hanging with a friend FaceTiming me from their travels. A ~slinky~ friend!
Rogan Motis
Portland, OR, United States
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Commented on Twist, Flow, & Let Go
Jun 26 at 10:47 AM
Thank you so much for this class! I loved the flow of it. Would you consider at some point exploring the areas of the body that support squatting with feet flat, squatting down into pistol, and laying down and then transitioning up into a squat? My heels always lift and I have to lean far forward to keep the balance, despite a lot of strength and ease in other poses. I suspect this may be due to an outer hip/inner thigh weakness or quietness, as it feels like these spaces aren't talking much. I can't detect what is not turning on! A class to guide that conversation with my body would be so helpful and interesting! <3