Alysia Makhani

Jersey City, NJ, United States

Integrative Health Nurse & Therapeutic Meditation and Yoga Teacher. I love making music and art and being in nature.

Replied on Find Your Center

Feb 10 at 10:22 AM

Meghan Currieย Thank you so much! Iโ€™m feeling much better now. I hope you are feeling better as well. ๐Ÿ’š

Commented on Find Your Center

Jan 12 at 07:47 PM

This is a great practice. I am recovering from a viral illness, not contagious anymore but just with fatigue, and trying to learn how to connect with my body again... This class was the perfect pace for that, however I would also do it at any other time! I hope for my classes like this.ย 


Dec 15 at 01:15 PM

Hi everyone! I'm excited about connecting with others in this program and sharing how we all progress. Today is my day one. I have a 20 minute practice that I do everyday from my yoga mentor that includes asana, pranayama, and mantra. I did that today - sometimes I don't have enough time to do it all in the morning so I do partial or do it later in the day after work... but all throughout the day I find myself chanting mantras in my head and doing pranayama at work and no one knows lol.

I have more time off today, so I did many self-care rituals, including full body abhyanga (oiling), drinking tea, exercise, and journaling. Planning on doing some meditations later.

If anyone is in NYC and wants to meet up and talk yoga things, please reach out!ย 

Sending love!


Dec 15 at 01:10 PM

I love how this program is flexible and there is an openness to adjust as needed. I have so many Love Rituals that I try my best to do...

Abhanyga daily in the morning- if I don't have too much time I will at the least do my neck, arms, wrists, and hands - it's been helping my carpal tunnel immensely.ย 

Daily practice given to me by my yoga mentor: Asana, pranayama, mantra

Drinking tea (CCF and Barley)

Listen to music and dance

Sleep meditations

Eating Vata Dosha friendly meals

Spending time with loved ones

Doing practices from this platform

Exercise: Cardio and Strength Training


I'm going to start with the Day 1 Friendly Spirit Meditation later today :)

If anyone in in NYC and wants to meet up and talk about how the program is going or other yoga philosophy please reach out to me!

Sending love to everyone.ย 

Commented on Electric Booty

Dec 15 at 12:23 PM

That was great, please don't ever get rid of these!ย 

Commented on Vow To Bloom Intro

Dec 03 at 08:11 PM

This is so cool. I know it's a lot of work to plan this all out, but it's amazing that you are doing it Meghan! I'm inspired.ย ๐Ÿ’—


Nov 23 at 08:53 PM

Feeling thankful for the practice of. yoga today.ย 

Commented on Lube & Limber

Nov 23 at 08:51 PM

The most least pressure practice, it feels good, and love it.ย 

Nov 17 at 08:18 PM

Thank you so much Meghan! I appreciate your heart felt message. Sending love your way!

Nov 17 at 08:16 PM

Would love more short focused asana classes like this!ย